Greetings! June is always such a floriferous time of year, from the irises and peonies that are now fading to the roses that are in full bloom.
Here's a few scenes from around my gardens during the past couple of weeks:
First, here's my Paradise Garden, filled with poppies and pinks and pansies. |
A closeup of the eye-watering clashing going on between the pelargoniums in pots and the poppies behind them -- it was much more strident in person, I can assure you! :-)
Moving on to my delphiniums: This is the first time in 3-4 years that I have had delphiniums flowering here. The bed became overgrown with grass and I had to clear it out three years ago and leave it empty until last year, when I planted more delphs that I raised from seeds. Finally they're blooming! |
Another view of the delphinium bed from the front -- I always love how these look with daisies! |
Herbaceous peony 'Sarah Bernhardt' -- these flowers are so huge.... |
Intersectional peony 'Bartzella' in my Yellow Garden. |
I finally painted the posts of our pergola white, after nearly two years. (They are treated lumber, so they did need to cure a bit -- but not really for quite so long....) The wisteria 'Amythyst Falls' that I planted two years ago is now blooming better than it ever has, and looks very pretty with the Dame's Rocket that self-seeded here. |
Here's our favorite view -- which looks even more beautiful with the addition of the wisteria.
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And look what I spotted in this border: an eremurus or foxtail lily! I think I spent $100 to plant a dozen of these in this border -- five years ago -- and never saw any trace of any of them. I guess one of them decided it could emerge and bloom now. |
I hope you are enjoying many flowers in your own gardens during June flower time. Thanks for stopping by! -Beth